Rob Dilley

Rob's Practice Areas

What are people saying about Rob?

Admissions & Qualifications 

1999 Bachelor of Arts, University of Newcastle
2001 Honours Arts, University of Newcastle
2011 Bachelor of Laws, University of Newcastle
2012 Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice, NSW College of Law
2012 NSW Supreme Court admission


Rob practices across a range of areas with a particular focus on criminal law, family law and civil litigation. He also oversees property and conveyancing at the firm.

Rob commits a significant area of his practice to spending time in court and advocating for his clients.

“As I enter my seventh year of legal practice I focus more on good communication and providing people with the chance to be heard no matter how serious their situation may be. Too often people become disenchanted with the complexities and vagaries of the legal system. It’s our job as lawyers to seek just and quick outcomes and to maintain confidence in the rule of law. Newcastle Legal prides itself on giving excellent service and robust, forthright and fearless legal advice.”

Recent Work

  • Successfully advocating for the urgent recovery of a child taken by an estranged parent in the Federal Circuit Court.
  • Presenting a plea in mitigation Plea in mitigation at the Local Court for a client charged with multiple driving offences obtaining an Intensive Correction Order in lieu of a custodial sentence.
  • Obtaining a dismissal of charges in for a charge of drive while disqualified.  
  • Conducting a District Court appeal against severity of sentence obtaining the client’s release from custody. 
  • Obtaining consent orders in contested family proceedings.


Prior to entering legal practice Rob spent more than 20 years in small community organizations as an event organiser, building manager and bookkeeper. The logical extension of this grass-roots history was to become an advocate for people in need. 

In practice Rob has worked as a sole practitioner, for Emery Partners and since 2017, Newcastle Legal.
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