Consultant Lawyer
LLB(Hons) LLM(Hons)
Copyright is a form of legal protection against unauthorised reproductions and public disseminations of an original work.
I work for an architect firm. I was looking over my colleague’s work at the workplace and noticed a draft idea for a new building design mentioned on the back of the paper. I thought it was a fantastic idea and am sure that my colleague who is also my good friend will not mind if I reproduce it. Can I do this?
I was looking over my electronic art blog and noticed that I have drawn some amazing cartoons over the year. I have not put a © on my work and am now worried that someone can take it from the online blog and reproduce it. Is my work not protected?
I read this fantastic short story the other day and thought changing it slightly may allow me to write a new best seller. Can I do this as I will be changing some of the story completely?
I saw this amazing photograph of a few birds and think it will make the best logo for my new line of t-shirts. The photograph was published online in the public domain. Can I use it for free?
I want to use an image of a clown as a logo for our sick kids charity. I found an excellent image online but it is copyright protected. Do I still need permission even if I am using it for a not-for-profit purpose?
I designed a logo for my new company. My friend told me that no one will be able to copy my logo because it is automatically protected under copyright laws. Is copyright protection enough to protect my interests?
I used to work for a clothing company and there were two directors. They both did the wrong thing by me and owe me wages. I want to sue them both because they are both responsible. How can I do this?
• In certain circumstances two or more people can be joined as defendants in a civil case. This is referred to as a ‘joinder’.
• There are certain situations where this may be permitted such as where:
o there is a common question will need to be determined in all the cases even though the defendants are separate;
o the defendants are jointly liable under a contract; or
o the relief claimed relates to:
the same transaction or
the same series of transactions.
• In your case both the directors would probably be jointly liable under your employment contract.
o However the answer to your question depends on the exact terms of your employment contract.
o You will need to get some specific legal advice about your employment contract and how the law applies to your situation.
I own the copyright over a script I had written and published online. I am worried that someone is going to use it without permission and acknowledgment. If someone does use it how can I prove that I own the copyright?
I am a university student and due to struggling finances cannot afford to buy a textbook. Is it okay for me to photocopy the book at my university library?
I design computer programs as a hobby. I want to know if there are any restrictions on how I can use my new computer program.
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