I was arrested after a raid at a nightclub. I had some pills on me but they weren’t for my use. They belonged to a friend. Am I guilty of possession?
I used to live in a share house with some friends. We all smoked pot recreationally and occasionally would chip in to buy a quarter-ounce from a friend of mine to share. I never made any profit from this arrangement. I was just the contact person. Was I technically trafficking?
I’m facing a drug charge for possessing amphetamine. I have an overseas trip planned at the end of the year. If I’m convicted will that affect my ability to travel overseas?
My son has been charged with trafficking a commercial quantity of cannabis. I knew he was growing a few plants but I thought they were just for his own personal use. How do we find a good lawyer? How serious are these charges?
I have an ongoing medical condition and the only thing that gives me any relief is to smoke a bit of weed. Can I be charged with possessing or using marijuana?
My daughter has been charged with possession of cocaine. The police have charged her but we still haven’t been told whether the drugs they seized were actually cocaine or not. Don’t they have to wait until lab tests prove it is cocaine before they charge her?
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