Principal Director
Consultant Lawyer
My ex-partner is pressuring me into signing a parenting plan that she has prepared. I do not agree with a lot of the terms. What can I do?
My ex-partner and I reached an agreement at mediation and we had our agreement made into consent orders. My children were supposed to stay with me on the weekends from Friday night until Sunday night but now she keeps making excuses about parties and sporting events they need to go to on Saturday morning so I never get to see them on Friday night.
We have passed our intake assessment and been notified that our Family Dispute Resolution sessions start next week. I am a bit nervous as I have never done anything like this before. Is there anything I need to take with me?
I am happy to go to family dispute resolution but I am scared of my ex-partner and do not want to sit in the same room. Do I have to?
I have just split up with my partner. I want to stay in our house with the children but he wants us to move out. Who decides?
My husband and I have always been very close to our grandchildren and they are an important part of our lives. Now that my son has split up with his wife we never get to see them anymore. I understand that my son just wants to be with his kids when it is his turn to have them but what about us? Can we have time with them too?
The court has ordered my ex-wife to bring my children to a meeting with a Family Consultant. I understand that she and I will need to talk to this consultant too. We have tried mediation and that went nowhere. I am really busy and this court case is taking up too much of my time already. Do I really need to go to this appointment?
The judge took my ex-partner’s side and gave her everything she asked for. I think this is really unfair. I just want to spend time with my kids. Can I challenge the decision?
So far my ex-partner and I have been able to agree about our parenting arrangements and we have had pretty good communication with a few rough patches. My boss just told me there might be a chance for me to get a promotion if I am willing to move interstate when the company opens a new branch in a year or two. I don’t want to upset my ex by talking about it now if it is never going to happen but at the same time I don’t want to have to choose between a good career move and seeing my children.
I want what is best for my children but am not always sure what this means. I do not know how many nights my daughter should go to my ex-partner for. She is only 2 years old and is used to sleeping with me.
My parents live in England. They are getting very old and I want my children to meet them while they are still alive. I discussed this many times with my ex-partner before we separated and she always thought it was a good idea but we could not afford it. I have been saving up for this purpose ever since our separation. Now I am finally ready to go but she is refusing to sign their passports.
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