I have been cohabiting in a relationship with my partner for more than 1 year and we have a child together. Are we in a de-facto relationship? I also heard that different elements of the relationship must be proved before the law recognises your de-facto relationship.
My de-facto partner and I have decided to separate after 7 years. During the course of our relationship I looked after the household and our 2 children while my partner worked. I am concerned that after our separation I won’t be able to get a property settlement.
My partner and I ended our 3-year de-facto relationship amicably and we decided it was best if we agreed on how to divide our property and are happy with the proposed distribution. Do we still need to go to court?
I have been married for 12 years and recently separated from my wife. I have tried to get back together with my wife but she wants to file for divorce. I don’t want to get a divorce.
Ever since my partner and I separated we both have been living in the same house. Due to our work commitments we decided that one of us will move out after our divorce is finalised. How can I prove our separation to the court?
I have had a terrible separation and am currently living in the same house as my ex-partner. I have a young child with me and have no other place to go. My ex-partner wants me to move out of the house. I want him to move out. What can I do?
I tried to give the divorce documents to my ex-partner but he refused to accept them. He told me that he will not accept them under any circumstances and that we can never get divorced. I am getting stressed out. Can I do something?
We have filed a joint application for divorce. We have been separated for 3 years already. We both agree and want it over with. I want to re-marry. Can I just go ahead and do this?
I have had a terrible separation and don’t really want to see my ex-husband again in court. Is it necessary to go to a divorce hearing?
I have never been inside a court and am very nervous about my divorce hearing. What should I do?
I have a divorce hearing coming up and am nervous about what to expect. Do I have to prepare myself for questioning and will I be asked details about my marriage?
I was really shocked and upset to receive a Divorce Order in the post today. I did not sign the documents and think my ex-partner forged the signatures. Can I do anything?
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