Consultant Lawyer
My ex-girlfriend got an AVO against me even though the relationship is over. I can’t go near her workplace but she works at my local shops. It’s not fair that I have to inconvenience myself to go to another shopping centre just to buy milk. I’m considering ignoring the order and just going back to my local shops. What will happen if I do?
I was in a relationship however my ex-partner has a serious problem with alcohol. When he drank he became extremely violent and abusive. I’ve left him but he can’t accept it is over. He’s been stalking me and sending aggressive texts. I want to apply for an AVO but I’m worried about the process and what might happen to him. I’m still very emotional about the break-down of our relationship. Is there anyone I can speak to about my concerns?
I’ve applied for an AVO against my ex. We have a court date coming up in a few weeks. I’ve heard through friends that he intends to bring his family along to court to intimidate me. They are very loud and aggressive and I’m scared. What can I do?
The police have been called to my house on a number of occasions because of domestic disputes. My de facto has a history of violent behaviour and lately has been taking it out on me. The last time the police came they said they wanted to apply for an AVO for me. I’m worried about my children because he is their dad. He says he wants to get help and do an anger management course. I don’t want him to leave the house. I just want the violence to stop.
I split up with my husband last year and he didn’t take it well. He started stalking me and hanging around my house so I got an AVO. I’ve moved on and am in a new relationship. The order is about to expire and I’m afraid the stalking behaviour will continue once it finishes. Can I get new one?
My boyfriend and I have had a rocky relationship but we’re thinking about getting back together. About 6 months ago the police got an AVO for me because of his violent behaviour. He says he’s changed and I want to make a go of it. Can the AVO be withdrawn?
My ex-husband was extremely violent and emotionally abusive while we were married. After I left him I applied for an AVO and the court made the order for 2 years. I have family interstate and want to make a new life for myself. I’m afraid that if he finds out I’ve moved he will follow me and make trouble. Can my AVO be transferred?
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