My investment partner and I intend to start a business through a partnership structure and hold a 50/50 share each. She also has a number of different businesses outside our partnership. I'm not sure what financial position she is in. What are the risks if any of her other businesses go bankrupt? What would happen to me?
I'm a plumber, and I'm thinking of starting a partnership with my brother in law who is a builder. How do we pay ourselves? Are we employees of the partnership?
I've run the family farm as a partnership with my three sons for several years but it's time for me to retire. No one else will buy my partnership share. It will go to my sons. What happens to our family partnership if I retire?
I have a full time job employed with a large organisation however I want to start a business with a friend on the side. It's going to take a while for us to start making a profit so we are expecting losses in the first year or so. Is a partnership an effective way of operating a business that will make some initial losses?
Our partnership has just been reconstituted because one of the original partners left. What does that mean for the rest of us? Are there any duty consequences?
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