Principal Director
If it is determined that a building has been built across a boundary you or your neighbour can apply for an order requesting:
I've just bought a block of land in a new housing estate. I want to put up a fence at my own cost. They aren't there during the day and there's currently no fence as it's a new estate. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Can I enter my neighbour's land to put up the fence?
I've just inherited a farming property near Bega in NSW and I'm having the boundaries re-done with the hope of sub-dividing or selling part of the property. One of our neighbours has a shearer's quarters that they've been using for years and it is on part of my property. It has been there since my dad owned the land. That's over 20 years. Is there anything I can do?
I want to establish a bit of a garden between my house and the neighbour's house for privacy. It's a steep and narrow block of land and I would need to build a retaining wall. How do I go about this? Do I have to get permission?
I live in New South Wales. I'm doing some landscaping and want to remove some of the soil that sits near our boundary to make a small dam. Can I do that?
The wooden fence between my property and my neighbour’s place has been deteriorating for years. The panels near their vegetable garden are rotting and nearly ready to fall out. I am worried that my toddler will be able to get into their yard. They have a small fishpond but it is big enough for a child to drown in. We talked about this ages ago and they agreed that we would share the costs of replacing the fence between us. We even agreed that we would get a colorbond fence rather than wood so we could save on maintenance costs. However whenever I talk to them about it they say they can’t afford it just now and they will get back to me. In the meantime my little boy is crawling and will soon be walking. I need the fence to be fixed before then. I am worried that I am going to have to pay for it all myself. I am in NSW.
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