Principal Director
My son is severely disabled and I have heard that establishing a trust can be a good way of providing for him into the future. What are the benefits of setting up a trust like this?
I am the beneficiary of a trust created by a will but I am only entitled to the shares and proceeds after I turn 25. I am 21 now and want to know if I can access the property sooner.
I have been a trustee of a family trust for several years but it is getting more difficult for me and I would like to hand over my responsibilities. How can I do this?
My husband and I are planning on setting up a family trust. We have three children all under the age of 4. We intend to make ourselves primary beneficiaries of the trust. Can we also be trustees?
My family originally came from Turkey and many of my family members still live there. The trust I am setting up has a different trustee to the appointor and beneficiary. The trustee lives in Australia while the appointor and beneficiary are still living in Turkey. Is this legal?
My mother has been struggling financially since Dad passed away and I want to help her by letting her live in one of the properties I own until she passes or has to move into care. If something were to happen to me I do not want her to inherit the house as I want to leave it to my children. Can a trust help me give effect to these wishes?
I am about to get a divorce and I am the trustee of our family trust. Can I move money from the family trust into separate trust accounts set up for the benefit of our children? Will this prevent that money from being considered property of the marriage for family law purposes?
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