Principal Director
Consultant Lawyer
I have a partner and would like to leave her either a lump sum amount or an annuity in my will. Can you please explain any problems associated with either of these options?
I was speaking to my friend yesterday and she told me that she has a living will in place to ensure that her best interests are protected if she was to lose her decision making capacity. She told me I should also get one as I have started becoming forgetful. What is a living will?
I have a child with an intellectual impairment who I would not trust to manage his inheritance after I die. I want to provide for his education, living expenses and secure his future. What can I do to safeguard his inheritance?
My partner of 5 and half years recently died. Unfortunately he did not change his will and it leaves everything to his ex wife who he did not divorce. He has nominated me as the person who is to inherit his superannuation fund though. Does this mean that his wife gets that money too?
My cousin wrote his will on the back of a pizza box at a party. I was sitting next to him and he told me he was very serious about what he was doing and if something were to happen to him I should make sure that his instructions as listed on the back of the pizza box were followed. Is this legal?
My wife died 18 months ago so I am raising our children on my own. I want my brother and sister-in-law to look after my children if I die. How can I make this happen?
You should include a clause in your will that states that you want your brother and sister-in-law to be legal guardians of your minor children (under the age of 18 years) after your death.
I am writing out a will and am a little bit confused about what I can or cannot dispose of under my will. What types of property or things can I dispose of under my will?
My grandmother made a will 8 years ago but she wants to change it so she leaves her jewellery to my sister and me. We are afraid that our cousins may say that she did not know what she was doing as some of them think she is not with it anymore. We don’t want any trouble in the family.
I married a woman who already had children. I am very fond of her children and love them as my own. I want to make sure that when I die my estate is divided among my own biological children and my stepchildren.
I was looking through the will information sheet and came across two words – testator and testatrix. I am not sure what I am. Are there are differences between the two?
I made a will 7 years ago. I recently got married to my girlfriend of 10 years. I don’t want to change anything in my will as my wife is already listed as a beneficiary under the will. Do I have to make a new will just because I am now married?
My wife and I made wills to leave our estate to our children and our grandchildren. Our wills leave specific gifts to our grandchildren but our family is still growing. Do we need to update our wills each time another grandchild is born?
Can a will made and executed in Australia cover testator’s overseas assets?
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