Principal Director
Consultant Lawyer
LLB(Hons) LLM(Hons)
I own a small business and have five employees. One of them is turning up late frequently. He has also received complaints from our customers about being rude and having bad hygiene. Can you recommend any disciplinary procedures I can implement at my work place so I know how to handle this employee and future employees?
I have been called to attend a disciplinary meeting with my boss. I am under 18 and I am quite nervous. What should I do?
I just got a new job. I’m worried because my colleagues have warned me that the boss is really strict and you must do everything perfectly or you get warnings and then eventually fired. How can I tell if I’m not doing my job well enough?
My employer called me to her office this evening and started talking to me about my recent conduct at workplace. I wasn’t prepared for the meeting and found it confronting. I couldn’t respond to her allegations and wasn’t able to convey to her the reasons for my conduct. What can I do?
I had a very bad experience with my lawyer who gave me poor advice and charged me an excessive amount of money. Can I request that disciplinary action be taken against the lawyer?
The Academic Misconduct Committee recently called me to a disciplinary hearing at my University. First of all, I didn’t know the university could call disciplinary hearings for academic misconduct? Secondly, I felt that the Committee was biased against me and I want to appeal their decision. What can I do?
A few years ago, I made a complaint against a colleague which resulted in disciplinary action being taken against him. That colleague now holds a senior position at my workplace and is part of the disciplinary committee. I have been given a notice for attending a disciplinary hearing next week. Can I ask the colleague to stand down from the hearing due to past prejudice?
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