My caseworker is worried about my 15-year-old son who refuses to go to school. She says it’s my responsibility to make him go. I work full time and don’t have time for this. I can’t make him go. Do I have to do what she says?
FACS are taking me to court because they say my boyfriend shouldn’t be around my kids. He’s been in jail for drugs but that’s all behind him now. My lawyer says that if I want to keep my children I have to ask my boyfriend to live elsewhere. What should I do?
You do not have to follow our advice. You always remain free to make your own decisions. We provide advice on what we consider the court is most likely to do in different situations however the action you take is always your choice.
We are experienced and understand how these cases work. We will advise you about court procedures or changes you could make that may improve your chances of getting the outcome you want.
Our job is to act in your best interests in giving you legal advice and acting on your instructions. You will usually stand a much better chance of achieving the outcome you want if you follow our advice.
A magistrate has given custody of my kids to my in-laws. I am allowed to see them twice a week. I don’t think this is fair. I am thinking about just going around to see them regardless of what the magistrate ordered. They are my kids after all.
My sister reported me to child protection and caseworkers have come to visit us. They say the kids are being neglected and that I may have to go to court. I’m worried about a shoplifting offence I pleaded guilty to back when I was 19.
My sister reported me to child protection and caseworkers have come to visit us. They say the kids are being neglected and that I may have to go to court. I am worried about a shoplifting offence I pleaded guilty to back when I was 19 and whether the magistrate will learn of that.
I am worried about my children having contact visits with their Dad as he is always under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What can I do?
My caseworker has hated me from the beginning. She never returns my calls and I think she’s got it in for me.
My daughter hates her foster carer. She said she’s too strict and doesn’t let her go on Facebook or hang out with her friends.
My daughter hates her foster carers. She said they are too strict and they do not let her go on Facebook or hang out with her friends.
I’m in the process of ending an abusive relationship with my boyfriend. The kids’ father (my ex) has threatened to call FACS on me if I don’t get the kids out of the house soon. Can I let them live with my parents while I sort things out and get a new place?
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